Saturday, July 30, 2005

Color Me Blue

Too often, we Republicans rail against the media for allowing them to define us in terms that range from either unflattering to just plain false. Perhaps one of the biggest peeves I have had started with the 2000 elections and the color the media "selected" for us... the color "red." Red. RED ? RED ?!?!? What the fudge, RED ? Nevermind the fact that that has always been the color associated with leftist causes, Communist groups, the very color we call these kooks, "Reds !" So why on earth have Republicans embraced the very color we associate with the opposition ? Well, this Republican has not. Ever since I've made maps going back to when I was a kid that had to do with politics, it was always BLUE for Republicans, RED for Democrats. Even Democrats I've talked to have never objected to being associated with the color "red." "Blue" is the color of coldness, the color of calmness, the color of rationality, the color of stability, the color of Conservatism. At no time, now or ever, will I even think to call a "Red" state a Bush state (or whomever the Republican is) or "Blue" for a Democrat. I am formally declaring war on the media and urging my Republicans to stand tall and scream loud and proud, "I am a Republican, and you can color me BLUE !"


Blogger AuH2ORepublican said...

DJ, I agree 100%. Blue is for Republicans, and red is for Democrats and other Commies. Fortunately, Dave Leip's Atlas of Presidential Electoral Politics (, the best presidential electoral site on the Internet, still uses blue and red as God intended.

Friday, August 12, 2005 at 8:53:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Dan said...

If it goes back to blue, I'll have to change my entire site around since it's dedicating to getting the "Blue" out of Michigan.

Saturday, August 13, 2005 at 12:33:00 PM PDT  

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